May 24, 2024

The application deadline has been extended to 7 Sept 2024 and the interview is rescheduled on 21 Sept 2024. 


The Timothy Fok Scholastic Award for Sports and Recreation Management (TFSA) is established by the Hong Kong Recreation Management Association (HKRMA) and sponsored by Mr. Timothy Fok Tsun Ting, GBS, JP to award outstanding full-time/part-time students of tertiary institutions pursuing studies in the recreation and sports field in Hong Kong.  This Scheme has been launched since 2004 to recognize outstanding students and provide them opportunities for further development through closer connections with the HKRMA and recreation management professionals in Hong Kong.


  1. To recognize students with outstanding academic performance in sports and recreation management.
  2. To encourage students to submit their essays and research findings in sports and recreation industries for publication in the HKRMA Recreation Review.
  3. To provide opportunities for students to broaden their knowledge, experience and network and develop their potential with a view to contributing to the growth and advancement of sport and recreation management in Hong Kong.

Selection Criteria:

The winners of the Award will be selected by a Selection Panel, comprising of the HKRMA Chairman and the Coordinator of the Academic Committee.  Awards will be provided on a competitive basis.  Selection will also be based on the recommendation of a referee who knows best the academic performance of the applicant, e.g. a professor, lecturer or supervisor.

Candidates are required to submit their essays to the TFSA Scheme.  The Selection Panel will evaluate essays with an eye for their relevance to sports and recreation management, excellence in presentation, originality, the topic’s interest value, accuracy of information provided, and strength of arguments.  All winning essays shall meet the standard of quality for publication in the Hong Kong Recreation Review of HKRMA.

The winners of the Award selected by the Selection Panel are required to sit in the HKRMA Executive Committee Meeting (attaining at least 80% attendance) and join one of the committee for one year so as to gain understanding of the Association’s duties and to assist with the work of the Association.


The TFSA Scheme is open to all full-time/part-time final year undergraduates (expected new graduate of the current year) or postgraduate students of local universities with a cumulative G.P.A. of not less than 3.0 are eligible. They should submit their essays along with their grade points average proof to the TFSA.  Apart from new graduate of the current year, a candidate who was graduated a year before would also be accepted.


The TFSA Scheme offers $20,000 each year to the 4 award holders. Each award holder will be presented an Award Certificate and Free Life-membership of the HKRMA during the Annual General Meeting or Annual Dinner.  A cash prize of $5,000 will be released to each winner only after attending the HKRMA Executive Committee Meeting for a year with at least 80% attendance.

Details of Essay Submission to the TFSA:

Original essays (that is, essays must be written by the students themselves) should be submitted in English or Chinese.  They must not plagiarize in any form and they must not have been published in print or on the Internet. Students may use essays which they may have submitted for a class assignment. Students are encouraged to seek their instructors’ assistance in editing and proofreading the essays prior to the submission for the Scheme.

Essays must address and focus on issues relevant to sports and recreation management and the industry of sports and recreation management.  Essays may address management in good practice, knowledge and new concepts of the recreation and sports field and its related industry.

Essays submitted must be 2500-5000 words in length and accompanied with an executive summary around 100-200 words. All the information can be electronically submitted to the TFSA Scheme via email. (Microsoft Word is preferred. There is no requirement for the style or format of the essays submitted, however, it is expected that students will follow normal standards of college paper writing, e.g. including: Introduction, Method, Result, Discussion, and Conclusion, etc. Endnotes, bibliographies or appropriate references to any quoted material are required.)

The HKRMA retains the exclusive right to publish all essays submitted for the TFSA Scheme and the TFSA Scheme may translate/edit students’ submissions.

How application should be submitted for the TFSA Scheme?

Email copies should be submitted to joycechanli@gmail.com with the following details: name of applicant, a copy of current student body card or other proofs of current registration, mailing address, phone number, and email address.  The HKRMA will not return any submitted materials. Applicants are advised to retain copies of all materials submitted.

Deadline of Application: 17th August 2024 (Saturday)

Date of Selection Interview: 31st August 2024 (Saturday)


If the applicants have any questions on this Scheme, they may contact Ms. Joyce Chan of the Academic Committee through e-mail to joycechanli@gmail.com

The HKRMA executive committee members and their immediate families are not eligible for the TFSA scheme.

Collection of Personal Data: The personal data provided by means of this form will be used for application of the HKRMA TFSA Scheme and other related purposes within the HKRMA. You have a right of access and correction with respect to your personal data as provided for the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Enquires should be addressed to the HKRMA.

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